
of the German Physiological Society (103rd), Austrian Physiological Society and Life Sciences Switzerland (LS2) Physiology

19.09 – 21.09.2024
Vienna, Austria

Media Check / Speakers’ Service

The Media Check / Speakers’ Service is located in seminar room 3 (Auditorium Centre).

We kindly ask you to submit your presentation on a memory stick about 1,5/2 hours in advance of your talk (at the latest) or the day before. Your presentation will be uploaded directly to the laptop in the session room!

Please note that a presentation from your own laptop is NOT possible!


Thursday, 19 September 2024: 07:30 – 16:00
Friday, 20 September 2024: 07:30 – 17:00
Saturday, 21 September 2024: 07:30 – 12:00

The presentation format is 16:9.
Please use high contrast lettering and fonts with a minimum size of 16pt and high contrast layouts like light text on dark colours.

Technical Equipment
The required technical equipment will be provided for presentations in each session room. Please note that a presentation from your own laptop is NOT possible!

Please use Microsoft Power Point 97-2019 (*.ppt / *.pptx); OpenOffice / LibreOffice 1.0-7.0 or Adobe PDF to guarantee your presentation will open successfully on an onsite PC. If you use MS PowerPoint, we recommend that you save your PowerPoint presentation using pptx-format and not .pps/ppsx.

Pictures / Videos
JPG images are the preferred file format for inserted images.
GIF, TIF or BMP formats will be accepted as well.

Because of the many different video formats support cannot be provided for embedded videos in your presentation; please test your presentation with the on-site PC several hours before your presentation. Generally, the MPEG-4 format should work with no difficulties. The file size should not exceed 250 MB.

Only fonts which are included in the basic installation of MS-Windows 10 will be available (English version of Windows). Use of other fonts not included in Windows can cause the wrong layout / style of your presentation.
Suggested fonts: Arial, Tahoma.
If you have to use different fonts, these must be embedded into your presentation.

Further Information
You can control/move slides during your presentation on your own (by remote control PowerPoint – please kindly check this in the Media Check in advance).
We kindly ask you to be at the session room at least 15 minutes before the session starts to meet the chair and familiarize yourself with the technical and other equipment. Many thanks in advance!

In case of any questions or special requests, please do not hesitate to contact us:

K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden
Bautzner Straße 117–119
01099 Dresden, Germany

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