
of the German Physiological Society (103rd), Austrian Physiological Society and Life Sciences Switzerland (LS2) Physiology

19.09 – 21.09.2024
Vienna, Austria


Networking-Event with the Best Oral Abstract Award Ceremony

Let’s get together outside of the session rooms and enjoy an evening in the Rittersaal at Wiener Rathauskeller. The same architect who designed Vienna’s City Hall, Friedrich Schmidt, also gave the Rittersaal it’s unique atmosphere which was perfected by the frescos added by Josef Urban and Heinrich Lefler in 1898. No wonder, the city fathers dedicated this room to Viennese Wine as it is a wonderful location to taste Viennese cuisine and drinks in great company.
Follow their lead, spend an unforgettable evening among colleagues and friends within these historic walls and do not miss the award ceremony for the Best Oral Abstract Award that evening.

As tickets are limited, please register for this event during the online registration process.  The ticket price includes buffet dinner as well as vouchers for two drinks.

How to get there:
Whether by car or public transport, the Wiener Rathauskeller is easy to reach.